Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Dragon

I just participated in my very first craftster swap and it seems my partner likes fantasy and best of all, i love fantasy too! She did say she love dragons so i thought of making her 5 little baby dragons, Yet i wanted it to have a little of artsy touch and cutesy feeling of amiguruminess... so i played around with yarn to create the mini head of a dragon and it felt soooo cute.

Cant believe it took me 2 whole day to "design and create" and now that i have the pattern, it takes less then 5 hours to make one... + - the in-between pause break i had to run off too. This little one is as big as my palm and just too adorable to stare at hehe, im very pleased on how this turn out.

Mommy Mommy!! I want a hug!! Uwaaah.... uwaaah i want a hug!! (Its too small for a cuddly hug though :P)

(The bell is kinda addition so it looks cuter :P Its up to you to accessorize)
The Smaller Version is here : Mini Keychain Baby Dragon
Okay okay... here is how to make,