Friday, March 30, 2012

Wing : Fairy Wings

Wing Collection: Sweet Fairy Wings
(can be plain angel wings actually though it dont look like it)
Medium size wings...

Hook Size : B (2.25mm)
Yarn : Acrylic "Minlon -White and Peach Mix" (Slightly thinner then lionbrand)

 Note on Abbreviation used often :
inc = Increase
dec = Decrease
sc = Single Crochet
Additional Note : This is Applique type crochet
The "Magic Ring 5 Chain" is a typo, its just 5mg or 5 magic ring / circle.

Wings Fairy WINGS

Chain 11, turn (Keep extra long length of yarn for sewing the wire in place later)
10sc, turn (Add in 2 rows of second row if the wire/iron thingy is thick, then continue on with third row)

continue with 16 chain, turn

13sc on the chains leaving 3 chain left, (choose which ever u prefer = slip stitch twice or dec), turn,
slip stitch, 12 sc to end and turn,

sc in second sc, 11 sc, slipstitch in last chain, 10 sc across to the start, turn
10sc, dec, 9sc, 2 chain turn,

sc in second chain, 9sc, dec, 8sc, slip stitch, turn

9sc, dec, 6sc, 2chain, turn,

sc in second chain, 6sc, dec, 6sc, slipstitch x 2, turn

from second stitch 6sc, dec, 4sc, 2 chain, turn

sc in second chain, 3sc, dec, 3sc, 3 slipstitch

2 chain, sc in second chain, sc on the first stitch where chain was made, 4sc, dec, 2 chain, turn
sc in second chain, 5sc, 2 chain turn

sc in second chain, sc, 3 slip stitch, chain 2 turn

sc in second chain, 3sc, 2 chain turn

sc in second chain, sc, slip stitch, 2 chain, turn

sc in second chain, 2 sc, Finish off

Sew the extra off, so the top flaps can bend over and cover the wire thats to be placed in there for support. (I havent completed this as i was just playing with the old dirty yarn and my hook :P)

Okay to attach to the Body, you will have to "surface crochet" a ring like shape around the "start" of the first ever chain you made. This will make it look nicer and much stronger on the body. poke the "wire" into the body and stuff the body firm. Its a little hard to sew with stuffings poping out but its alot easier to do this way rather then poking it to the body when you cant adjust the inside "wire".


  1. These are so adorable. What sort of wire did you use? I didn't quite understand how to use the wire for these.
